此机构是由 jennifer townley 设计,网上查到的描述如下:
160 x 180 x 12 cm
Aluminum, steel, wood, electric motor, mechanical parts.This mechanical wall sculpture is based on a geometric pattern of diamonds that creates the optical illusion of cubes, when in fact the cubes you see only consist of three diamond shaped aluminum plates grouped together.
Powered by a small electric motor and a gear transmission, the mechanical construction at the back of the machine moves up and down very slowly. It tilts the aluminum plates back and forth, emphasizing the three dimensional form and therefore the illusion of the cubes. Due to the tilting, light is being reflected from different angles and changes the color of the plates constantly. Again and again the aluminum diamonds seem to connect themselves with a different cube.
没必要求助什么,视觉加一个激光景深就可以了,视觉采集是一个平面的,无法区分形状,抓到边界,激光测距,把数值附加到边界深度,系统会自动出立体模型,就分开了, 2266998 发表于 2018-9-27 16:33
没必要求助什么,视觉加一个激光景深就可以了,视觉采集是一个平面的,无法区分形状,抓到边界,激光测距, ...
感谢八爷回复,我要做的没有这么复杂的,原创是利用了齿轮来实现薄片的角度倾斜,可能我的表述不清,我只需要让观察者能有视觉上的错觉感受即可 本帖最后由 高小志 于 2018-9-28 10:56 编辑