2266998 发表于 2019-6-6 11:40:02







这问题就解决了,那是1952年,300M此后一直横行,几十年以后,我们也仿制出来了,当然,至今性能不稳定,今天也还是从鸟公司进口,30 年以后,鸟自己发现300M的各种问题了,问题累计以后,1992年Carpenter公司的基尼就开发出Aermet 100,就解决了大部分问题,而腐蚀等问题依然还有,此时,就会有比卡公司小的多的公司出来出来这些问题,你看那公司小吧,几十个鸟,就处理了Aermet 100问题,公司小没关系,依然有大号的基尼,




   不扯淡了,今天在欧洲有项目,你去吗,哈,这是实质问题吧,你怎么说 ,为了生活,你去不去,你千万别跟人家说,我跟你去,哈哈,


373527271 发表于 2019-6-6 12:50:46


一剑X心 发表于 2019-6-6 11:48:28



Steven_ME 发表于 2019-6-6 12:00:18


皮卡丘不会打乒乓球 发表于 2019-6-6 12:20:02


373527271 发表于 2019-6-6 13:13:29

Steven_ME 发表于 2019-6-6 12:00
硅不能形成碳化物,有强烈的促进碳的石墨化作用,在硅含量较高的中碳和高碳钢中,如不含有强碳化物形成元素 ...

Silicon’s primary role in steel making is as a deoxidizer. It makes steel sound, by removing oxygen bubbles from the molten steel. The percentage of silicon in the analysis was related to the type of steel, rimmed and capped steels (made by the ingot method) had no silicon intentionally added. Semi-killed steels typically contained up to 0.10% max silicon, and fully killed steels could have up to 0.60% maximum. Commercial practice in the US and Canada throughout my career was 0.15-.35 % silicon in SAE carbon and alloy steels.

In addition to deoxidiation silicon also influences the steel five different ways:

Silicon helps increase the steel’s strength and hardness, butis less effective than manganese in these functions.
In electrical and magnetic steels, silicon helps to promote desired crystal orientations and electrical resistivity.
In some high temperature service steels, silicon contributes to their oxidation resistance.
Inalloy grades, silicon also increases strength (but not plasticity!) when quenched and tempered.
Silicon also has a moderate effect on hardenability of steel.
But there are always less desireable aspects of any element in an alloy

Silicon is detrimental to surface quality in low carbon steels, a condition that is especially magnified in low carbon resulfurized steels.
Silicon is detrimental to tool life in machining as it forms hard abrasive particles which increase tool wear and thus lower the steel’s machinability.
Bottom line, on plain carbon and alloy bar steels, silicon contents of 0.10, 0.15-.35 weight percent are typical; On resulfurized , and resufurized and rephosphorizedfree machining steels, silicon analysis above 0.02 wt % is cause for concern, due to potential surface quality and certain tool life issues.

茉莉素馨 发表于 2019-6-6 14:27:18

本帖最后由 茉莉素馨 于 2019-6-6 14:31 编辑

300M Steel
Alloy 300M is basically a silicon-modified (1.6% Si) 4340 steel, but it has slightly higher carbon and molybdenum
contents and also contains vanadium. This steel exhibits deep hardenability and has ductility and toughness at tensile
strengths of 1860 to 2070 MPa (270 to 300 ksi). Many of the properties of this steel are similar to those of 4340 steel,
except that the increased silicon content provides deeper hardenability, increased solid-solution strengthening, and better
resistance to softening at elevated temperatures. Compared to 4340 of similar strength, 300M can be tempered at a higher
temperature, which provides greater relief of quenching stresses. The so-called 260 °C (500 °F) embrittlement is
displaced to higher temperatures. Because of the high silicon and molybdenum contents, 300M is particularly prone to
decarburization. During thermal processing, care should be exercised to avoid decarburization, or the decarburized layer
should be removed after processing. When heat treated to strength levels higher than 1380 MPa (200 ksi), 300M is
susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement. If the steel is properly baked after plating, the resulting improvement in properties
is better than that for 4340 or D-6ac steel of equal strength.
The steel 300M is forged at 1065 to 1095 °C (1950 to 2000 °F). Forging should not be continued below 925 °C (1700 °F).
After forging, it is preferred that parts be slowly cooled in a furnace, but they may be allowed to cool in air in a dry place.
Although 300M can be readily gas or arc welded, welding is generally not recommended; welding rod of the same
composition should be used. Because 300M is an air-hardening steel, parts should be either annealed or normalized and
tempered after welding. The machinability rating of annealed 300M is about 45% (B1112, 100%). A partially
spheroidized structure, obtained by normalizing and then tempering at 650 to 675 °C (1200 to 1250 °F), gives optimum
Typical applications of 300M, which is available as bar, sheet, plate, wire, tubing, forgings, and castings, are aircraft
landing gear, airframe parts, fasteners, and pressure vessels.
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