Don’t invest money to them, don’t! there are lots innovation companies in Asia but this is not one of them. This project which cheat BBC and CCTV is a pyramid scheme. I don’t want to say any bad word to my country and people there .This project is nothing about China but about a chinese nationality citizen Mr. Song who even did not graduated from junior high school( I know lots people did not get a proper diploma and did some big achievements but he is not one of them) .Now, answer your question.
yep, Mr. Song did it but not properly. It is not even better than a machine in Disneyland.
Shijiangshan, a district of Beijin and had rumor with Straddling bus, has officially denied it.
it is more ridiculous than you think.
- geometry “20cm”. height of a normal bridge in china 4.5 meters, under straddling height 2.3 meters, minimum height of indoor space of a public vehicle 2 meters, 0.2 meter for the floor and ceiling so 10 cm each. for 300 people to stand in this sort vehicle( I did not say impossible) and space for AC, solar battery panel, engine and so on. For a normal train, traditional designing require almost one meter height space to do this.
-go under a bridge in nothing but go above a bridge is a big deal. every bridge need to be extended then Mr. Song’s promise of one year 40 km rail construction can be a joke. He seems forgot vehicles in most time need to go above a bridge. .
Sorry man. You saw some pictures like this
and this
Don’t you feel wired? It is like what happen during Mao’s big leap forwards. There is not even one proper media there and the material seems shit. In fact they built this big machine by only few months.
And the fact is it is a big toy to cheat investor. Sorry guys, it is not some thing come from future but from Disneyland. What did you see is a 1:1 RC straddling bus.
There are numerous innovation companies in China but I don’t understand how can a company like white people like Australia
:L 这是在美国的中国人写的。
I don’t want to say any bad word to my country and people there . 这样的事也只能在中国存在 zerowing 发表于 2016-8-15 21:55
下次来一篇加拿大华裔如何看待中国 哈哈,现在红毛还好点了,以前更是逗乐,哈哈,
俺看明白了吗,哈哈, 迷茫的维修 发表于 2016-8-16 09:22
其实我觉得都还好啦,毕竟是以前就移民过去的,估计都没来过中国。最不能忍的是一些00后,初中或高中去日本那读书的,跑来中国的网站嚷嚷:“我是日本人,你们中国巴拉巴拉……如何如何没素质等等” 虽然很不愿意承认,但是他说的都是实话。另外,能写到这程度也算大体合格了吧?,虽然咱能看懂,但是还是得要洋洋洒洒写这么大一篇还是很累。。。。 土鳖上周五翘班听大专家讲座还夸那玩意儿呢... 巴铁只是一个骗人的玩意儿,现在没人否认了吧?