复习了好久,总算是差不多把前三年学过的东西复习了一遍。总结后记一些电子笔记。然后!!!决定开始网上看工作了,有看了一些上海高校的校招,外企还是比较少(因为我知道现在只有:进上海 +找外企+不非标),于是跑到51上看了一些,又去领英上看了一下,可能看了有几个小时了,头都看大了。
然后在领域上刚刚看到了一个霍尼韦尔的招聘,写着[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]Project Mechanical Engineer
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]下面是它的全部介绍:
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)] Key Responsibilities
- Technical documentation
- Mechanical Parts design and support
- Drawing and 3D modeling
- Component and system analysis
- Engineering support
- Technical reporting
- Bachelors Degree in Engineering
- Industrial design talent
- Ability to work independently
- Willingness to learn new technologies
- Anopen, honest and team oriented personality
- Eagerness to get involved in hands-on work
- Creativity
- Some experience developing new products or sustaining existing product ranges
- Some experience in a highly regulated or safety critical domain
- Mechanical Engineering degree
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)] Seniority Level Entry level 看完感觉这个Responsibilities 怎么这么少,而且写的让我不是很明白这个职位主要是做什么的(说机械零件设计支持什么的,这也太泛了),所以想上来问问大家这是什么样的一个职位。 也想问问各位外企面试的一些经验,好做些准备(比如:是否所有外企都会用英文问你技术问题?因为我是应届生,我也不懂他们会怎么问哈哈哈,所以担心了挺久的,虽然普通英语可以说可以听,但是让我说技术英语,可能会慢,会卡壳,然后找了不少对应词汇,也花了挺久的时间整理到了笔记上,特紧张。 电子笔记就记成像下面这样:)